Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Dream Vacation (or home?): Estonia

Hey all! Sorry about the brief disappearing act. An AP Biology textbook was calling my name.

At any rate, hello again. Today I have another dream destination: Estonia! Why? It does seem random, doesn't it.

It began two years ago, when a marvelous CD arrived on my doorstep by the artist Kerli, who comes from... Estonia! You guessed it. I fell in love with her and her music. When I saw a worn out copy of ¨Learn Estonian¨ at the used bookstore, I snapped it up. I worked through the whole book, gaining a beginner, but decent, knowledge of the language. When my teachers reminded us to continue checking out colleges, I knew where I wanted to look.

The University of Tartu, in Tartu, Estonia, is Estonia's top ranked university and is well respected throughout the world. After looking through pictures, learning more about the university as well as the town, and checking prices, I knew that I wanted to go to Estonia for college. This is where I am now, not yet a high school graduate, but knowing exactly my secondary choices. 

If that doesn't work out, I plan to attend university in Germany, and visit Eesti whenever I can :)

If you actually bothered to read my paragraphs, here are some pretty pictures of Estonia as a reward. (None belong to me)


(Baltic Coast)




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